
Owner & Boss Lady, Face Painter, Entertainer, Party/Event Organiser, Wonderwoman!
Brief info

Hi I’m Jenn AKA Mrs JK I started this company in 2015 with my husband Kev we had no idea how hard and how stressful it was going to be but we also never knew how rewarding it’s was going to be and allowed us to show our children if you want nice things in life you have to work for them.
So my background has always been in the care sector from when I left school I was a qualified nursery nurse and then moved into looking after disabled and elderly people so I have always had a caring nature and this is probably why I’m so good at being the party entertainer at the kids parties. My job roll is mainly keeping everyone in check and making sure there all where there supposed to be as well as that I’m the kids entertainer and face painter I organise all the events and I do all wages for the staff the staff love me 😆

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